Broken to Brave | Guiding you to heal & break free from anxiety

Looking for Validation? It Starts From Within

Dr. Stephanie Lopez Episode 87

Do you find yourself craving recognition but feeling awkward when you actually get it? You’re not alone. In this episode, I’m diving into why we seek external validation and how it quietly starts shaping our self-worth. I’ll share my view on how society wires us to chase approval and, more importantly, how to break free from that cycle. You’ll learn simple ways to recognize your own achievements, build genuine self-acceptance, and feel truly seen—without relying on anyone else’s praise.

In this episode, I cover the following:
1. Why we crave recognition and how it’s wired into us biologically and socially.
2. How to recognize when validation becomes a need and starts impacting self-worth.
3. Steps to cultivate genuine self-acceptance and give yourself the recognition you deserve.

BRAVE-cation Priority List:


How high-achieving women can
DITCH anxiety in as little as five minutes a day

Which of these results do you want and inspire you the most?

💗 Dr. Steph

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